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Why Choose Compass Vehicle Services

Compass Vehicle Services specialise in bad credit car leasing, offering affordable lease deals for businesses and individuals with poor credit.

No matter where you live in the UK you can drive one of our lease cars or vans as we provide nationwide car leasing.

Simple Application

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And All Bad Credit

Bad Credit Car Leasing. Got Bad Credit? Decision not based on credit score.

Decision Not Based on Credit Score

CVS Ltd specialise in bad credit car leasing, so we understand there is no point in checking your credit score when you apply for a bad credit car lease.  This is why CVS Ltd check on 2 factors, 1) you can afford to make the monthly payments and 2) you are traceable at your address.

Each application for a bad credit car lease is treated as an individual case, talking to the customer and really getting to know their current circumstances.  That is why CVS Ltd are able to help many customers get behind the wheel of their vehicle who previously were declined by other companies.

Bad Credit Car Lease - Any Make or Model of Vehicle Available

Car of Your Choice

Unlike most leasing companies, CVS Ltd do not hold a stock of cars.

If you know the car you want tell us and we can source it, the great thing about this is:

  • you get the car you want
  • you do not have to worry about the car depreciating in value, as you just hand it back at the end of the lease.
No Third Parties - CVS Lease and Finance Your Car

We Lease and Lend

At CVS Ltd we do both, we carry out all our own underwriting.

What that means is, we use our money to buy you your car, then we lease to you.

There are no third parties involved.

This means we can tailor all leases and deals to each and every customer, and we can make decisions very quickly.

Car Lease Affordability

We specialise in contract hire and leasing to people with bad credit history, and have done so since 1999. In fact we only lease to people with no credit history or a bad credit record.

Affordability and traceability are the criteria we use to make a decision on your application to lease a car. We only looking at your current circumstances. That means you do not need to worry about your poor credit history as long as you can prove you can afford the monthly repayments, we can organise lease agreements.

We accept applications along with supporting documentation including recent bank statements for affordability purposes only.

“Brilliant service from the start and throughout. This company really values its customers and takes their circumstances into account rather than a computer says no situation. Would fully recommend them.” Andrew

Find out more about  CVS Ltd.

Car Lease Deals

We offer excellent bad credit car leasing deals.

Take a look at our example cars and prices to see what car or van you can get for your budget. Unlike other leasing companies we buy the car or van that you want and then lease it back to you. You don’t have to worry about the resale value; simply make the monthly payments and return the car at the end of the lease.

See our deals and special offers.

We don’t use third-party underwriters so we are able to make a quick decision on your personal lease application – usually within 2 working days.

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